Help Protect Your Home With DIY Security
DIY security is simply putting barriers between you and probable risk. Like home improvements, prevention is the first step to the safety and security of your home, property and family. Theft prevention starts with paying attention to details and common sense DIY security improvements that will discourage most instances of theft and vandalism before the opportunity presents itself. When I was younger, I was the menace behind some people’s security problems, but as a kid these security features usually sent me the other way. Since then, I have experienced many diverse situations of theft and vandalism around my home and these are the security measures I have taken to help avoid future security troubles.
DIY Security camerasSecurity cameras systems let you know what is happening around the home and today are offered in many packages consisting of different size DVRs that will auto record for over a month with continuous overwriting so you never miss a minute. Also choose the type of cameras you want from night vision, weather resistant, dome, indoor, wireless and solar to name a few options that can be combined to offer you exceptional security recording capabilities that use little power consumption and up to the minute video. I have installed four camera systems and researched many more. The newer programs are much easier to navigate recordings and with internet connection never lose video. I appreciate the camera settings that free up space like motion detection or continuous recording options that can be set for each camera for every hour. I went with wired cameras, because the extra cost and potential connection problems with wireless are high when you consider you still have to run a power cord from each camera. These are more helpful in situations of larger homes where the length of cord from the DVR to the camera will be over 100 feet. I ran all my connections under 100 feet from all four systems. When buying a camera system your first decision should be where you want to focus, how you are going to run your wires and a good estimate of the length from camera to DVR? Also decide where to connect your DVR. Are you going to hide it or connect with a TV or computer? I connected to two systems by running a feed from both DVRs to the TV and used a Logitech universal remote, because it has a learn feature that programs to small controllers other universal remotes don’t recognize.
DIY Security LocksMost people don't like having a ring full of keys that by the end of the year they're not sure what they go to or hate carrying bulky keys in pants wearing out pockets and are sharp. Worse yet lose keys or break one off in a lock (just happened to me) then paying additional cost to rekey or remove the old key. I love keyless locks and keyless padlocks. I have a commercial lock from eBay on my side door ($100) it holds multiple codes for several users and locks automatically when closed. I have a nicer nickel finished Schlage keyless deadbolt on the front door. These run on batteries, but rarely have to be changed even after a cold winter. Keyless locks can be programmed with personal user codes and separate temporary codes for visitors if you have to leave. Codes also can be changed completely, but make sure you have the master key somewhere you won't lose. Also enjoy temporary codes and bypass features that allow fast access if you are going to be going in and out a lot. I've had many of these locks and have only had two problems in several years, one Schlage just sent me a new lock, and the second involved the lock itself. I replaced it and it's been fine ever since.
DIY Security Signs

I first came across security signs on EBay while looking for private property signs. They are high quality aluminum and vinyl signs that come in many options. My biggest challenge was choosing a sign that represented what I wanted said and in the most direct manner and designed in a way I thought would be best noticed by potential trespassers day or night. You can opt to have the sign coated so that it last longer. I saved fifteen dollars and added four coats of polyurethane to hopefully protect it from sunlight damage. Mine are placed on both sides of my property attached to my carports. They seem very noticeable and even the police glance over when they drive by. Below are some of the choices that I went through and many come with window decals plus FREE SHIPPING.