Is it Possible to Save Money and Live Well?Saving money has many meanings to different people. What is enough, where do we put it, how do we start saving today? I don't know all the answers and personally I spend more than I save, but along the way I have picked up many tips to saving money and like you want to most out of my dollar, because I know that dollar was hard to earn and as I get older it gets even harder to earn again.
Make Money Writing About the Things You KnowI have written articles for a few years now on the Yahoo! Contributor Network. While reading someone elses article on finances I seen Yahoo's link to join and write articles myself. Yahoo! offered me $10 for each of my first three articles. Yahoo won't always pay this, but you can submit articles anytime on the things you know. Pay varies from performance views only to a few dollars each, but the money eventually adds up. There are other freelance websites that pay more as well. Professionals in a field will be offered specific jobs and more money for articles that fill a catagory or current story as well as their articles being featured on the several other Yahoo! sites.
Make Money Helping Businesses Get Loans and Merchant AccountsRecently I invested in a business without knowledge of what exactly it was. After realizing it was a business that every business uses today I was excited. Merchant accounts are used in almost every growing business, because without the ability to use or take a credit card order you will lose business. Every business even with a current merchant account wants a great deal, so offering a lower rate and better service is something that anyone will look into. Paying up to $500 per referal to affiliates for everyone that signs up with a new merchant account is great. Also enjoy a residual income for the next four years of sales. Check out Quick Funding Direct with the link on the right to either apply for money or sign up to be an affiliate.